Hillsong - Forever Reign — Best Christian Songs , christian songs , Forever Reign , Hillsong United , Lyrics , Lyrics and Music Video , Music , Songs , Top Christian Songs , Video , worship , worship songs — Christian Songs and Lyrics

Hillsong - Forever Reign

Enjoy the music video and lyrics of the song Forever Reign by Hillsong

Lyrics of Forever Reign by Hillsong

You are good, You are good
When there's nothing good in me
You are love, You are love
On display for all to see
You are light, You are light
When the darkness closes in
You are hope, You are hope
You have covered all my sin

You are peace, You are peace

When my fear is crippling
You are true, You are true
Even in my wandering
You are joy, You are joy
You're the reason that I sing
You are life, You are life,
In You death has lost its sting

Oh, I'm running to Your arms,

I'm running to Your arms.
The riches of Your love
Will always be enough
Nothing compares to Your embrace
Light of the world forever reign

You are more, You are more

Than my words will ever say
You are Lord, You are Lord
All creation will proclaim
You are here, You are here
In Your presence I'm made whole
You are God, You are God
Of all else I'm letting go

Oh, I'm running to Your arms

I'm running to Your arms
The riches of Your love
Will always be enough
Nothing compares to Your embrace
Light of the world forever reign

My heart will sing

no other Name
Jesus, Jesus

Oh, I'm running to Your arms

I'm running to Your arms
The riches of Your love
Will always be enough


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