Hillsong United - Beneath the Waters — Beneath the Waters , Best Christian Songs , christian songs , Hillsong United , Lyrics , Lyrics and Music Video , Music , Songs , Top Christian Songs , Video , worship , worship songs — Christian Songs and Lyrics

Hillsong United - Beneath the Waters

Enjoy the music video and lyrics of the song Beneath the Waters by Hillsong United

Lyrics of Beneath the Waters by Hillsong United

This is my revelation
Christ Jesus crucified
Salvation through repentance
At the cross on which He died

Now hear my absolution

Forgiveness for my sin
And I sink beneath the waters
That Christ was buried in


I will rise, I will rise
As Christ was raised to life
Now in Him, now in Him
I live

I stand a new creation

Baptized in blood and fire
No fear of condemnation
By faith I'm justified


I will rise, I will rise
As Christ was raised to life
Now in Him, now in Him
I live

I rise as You are risen

Declare Your rule and reign
My life confess Your Lordship
And glorify Your Name
Your Word it stands eternal
Your Kingdom knows no end
Your praise goes on forever
An on and on again

No power can stand against You

No curse assault Your throne
No one can steal Your glory
For it is Yours alone
I stand to sing Your praises
I stand to testify
For I was dead in my sin


But now I rise, I will rise
As Christ was raised to life
Now in Him, now in Him
I live

I will rise, I will rise

As Christ was raised to life
Now in Him, now in Him
I live


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