Drew Holcomb - Live Forever — Best Christian Songs , christian songs , Drew Holcomb , Live Forever , Lyrics , Lyrics and Music Video , Music , Prayer , Songs , Top Christian Songs , Video , worship , worship songs — Christian Songs and Lyrics

Drew Holcomb - Live Forever

Lyrics and Music video of Drew Holcomb - Live Forever

Laughter is the only thing that'll keep you sane
In this world there's cryin'  more and more everyday
Don't let evil get you down
In this madness spinning round and round

I want you to live forever
Underneath the sky so blue

Some people say faith is a childish game
Play on, children, like it's Christmas day
Sing me a song, sing me a melody
Sing out loud, you're a symphony

I want you to live forever
Underneath the sky so blue
I want you to live forever
Underneath the sky so blue

Take courage when the road is long
Don't ever forget you're never alone

I want you to live forever
Underneath the sky so blue
I want you to live forever
Underneath the sky so blue

Oh yeah, I want you to live forever
Underneath the sky so blue
Oh yeah, I want you to live forever
Underneath the sky so blue


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