Hillsong - Your Name High — Best Christian Songs , christian songs , Hillsong United , Lyrics , Lyrics and Music Video , Music , Songs , Top Christian Songs , Video , worship , worship songs , Your Name High — Christian Songs and Lyrics

Hillsong - Your Name High

Enjoy the music video and lyrics of the song Your Name High by Hillsong United

Lyrics of Your Name High by Hillsong United


Your innocence forsaken

Upon that cross
You gave Yourself for us
Carried into Your freedom

Our broken past replaced in

A second chance
The chains have come undone
Death defied in the Father’s love

We are,

Living to make Your Name high Jesus
Living to make Your Name high Jesus You,
Gave what the world couldn’t offer us
Say what they want, Say what they want
We are free

The atmosphere is changing,

Oh can You hear
The people rising up
In the hope of Your freedom

Our former ways are breaking

We seek Your face,
God let Your kingdom come
In our praises be lifted up

With eyes on high we praise You

And with one voice we come together
Our one desire to praise You
And lift You up in our surrender

With eyes on high we praise You

And with one voice we come together
Our one desire to praise You
And lift You up ‘cause we are


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