Hillsong - Yahweh — Best Christian Songs , christian songs , Hillsong United , Lyrics , Lyrics and Music Video , Music , Songs , Top Christian Songs , Video , worship , worship songs , Yahweh — Christian Songs and Lyrics

Hillsong - Yahweh

Enjoy the music video and lyrics of the song Yahweh by Hillsong United

Lyrics of Yahweh by Hillsong United

Our God He lives forever
He reigns with power and love
Let earth bow down before Him
For He is exalted

We look to Yahweh, Yahweh

Forever Yahweh, Yahweh, oh, yeah

Our hope is God almighty

His love is Greater than all
Lift high the God of heaven
Give all the honor

We look to Yahweh, Yahweh

Our hope is Yahweh, Yahweh, yeah

And He shall reign forever

He shall reign forever
He shall reign forever and ever

And He shall reign forever

He shall reign forever
He shall reign forever and ever
Our God, yeah

We look to Yahweh, Yahweh

Forever Yahweh, Yahweh
We look to Yahweh, Yahweh
Our hope is Yahweh, Yahweh

We look to Yahweh, Yahweh

Forever Yahweh, Yahweh

And He shall reign forever

He shall reign forever
He shall reign forever and ever

And He shall reign forever

He shall reign forever
He shall reign forever and ever

And He shall reign forever

He shall reign forever
He shall reign forever and ever

And He shall reign forever

He shall reign forever
He shall reign forever and ever
Our God

And He shall reign forever

He shall reign forever
He shall reign forever and ever

And He shall reign forever

He shall reign forever
He shall reign forever and ever

And He shall reign forever

He shall reign forever
He shall reign forever and ever

And He shall reign forever

He shall reign forever
He shall reign forever and ever

And He shall reign forever

He shall reign forever
He shall reign forever and ever
Our God


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