My God by Jeremy Camp — Best Christian Songs , christian songs , Jeremy Camp , Lyrics , Lyrics and Music Video , Music , My God , Prayer , Songs , Top Christian Songs , Video , worship , worship songs — Christian Songs and Lyrics

My God by Jeremy Camp

Enjoy the lyrics and music video of the song My God by Jeremy Camp

Lyrics of My God by Jeremy Camp

All of who You are reaches the darkest parts
Lifting the weight and erasing the scars that had a hold on me
Here I am bearing all, tearing down every wall
So amazed by Your grace and the way You're still holding me
Whoa whoa, whoa whoa

My God, You are the unchanging love
My God, Your heart sends hope from above
The great Creator, beautiful Savior
I've been redeemed
There is life now from Your victory
You are my God
You are my God

There is no other one, who's given a greater love
Laying aside His own life on the cross
Reaching out to us
Whoa whoa, whoa whoa

My God, You are the unchanging love
My God, Your heart sends hope from above
The great Creator, beautiful Savior
I've been redeemed
There is life now from Your victory
You are my God
You are my God

When my hope starts fading out
You are where my strength is found
I know I won't be alone

My God, You are a beautiful love
My God, You are a beautiful love
My God, You are a beautiful love
My God, You are a beautiful love

My God, You are the unchanging love
My God, Your heart sends hope from above
The great Creator, beautiful Savior
I've been redeemed
There is life now from Your victory
There is victory
You are my God
You are my God
You are my God
You are my God


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