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War of Change by Thousand Foot Krutch

Lyrics and music video of the song War of Change by Thousand Foot Krutch

It's a truth that in love and war,

World's collide and hearts get broken,

I want to live like I know I'm dying,

Take up my cross, not be afraid

Is it true what they say, that words are weapons?
And if it is,then everybody best stop steppin',
Cause I got ten in my pocket that'll bend ya locket,
I'm tired of all these rockers sayin' come with me,
Wait, it's just about to break, its more than I can take,
Everything's about to change,
I feel it in my veins, its not going away,
Everything's about to change.

It creeps in like a thief in the night,
Without a sign, without a warning,
But we are ready and prepared to fight,
Raise up your swords, don't be afraid,


This is a warning, like it or not,
I break down, like a record spinning,
Gotta get up,
So back off,
This is a warning, like it or not,
I'm tired of listenin', I'm warning you, don't try to get up,

There's a war going on inside of me tonight (don't be afraid) [x2]

Wait, it's just about to break, its more than I can take,
Everything's about to change,
I feel it in my veins, its not going away,
Everything's about to change,
It's just about to break, its more than I can take,
Everything's about to change,
I feel it in my veins, its not going away,
Everything's about to change.


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