Bryan Adams - Christmas Time — Best Christian Songs , Bryan Adams , christian songs , Christmas Time , Lyrics , Lyrics and Music Video , Music , Prayer , Songs , Top Christian Songs , Video , worship , worship songs — Christian Songs and Lyrics

Bryan Adams - Christmas Time

Lyrics of the song Bryan Adams - Christmas Time

We waited all through the year
For the day to appear,
When we could be together in harmony.
You know the time will come,
Peace on earth for everyone,
And we can live forever in a world where we are free,
Let it shine for you and me.

There's something about Christmas time,
Something about Christmas time,
That makes you wish it was Christmas every day.
To see the joy in the children's eyes,
The way that the old folks smile,
Says that Christmas will never go away.
We're all as one tonight,
Makes no difference if your black or white,
’Cause we can sing together in harmony.
I know it’s not too late,
The world would be a better place,
If we can keep the spirit more than one day in the year,
Send a message loud and clear !             

It’s the time of year when everyone's together,
We'll celebrate here on Christmas day,
When the ones you love are there,
You can feel the magic in the air,
You know its everywhere !

There’s something about Christmas time 
Something about Christmas time 

Something about Christmas time,
Something about Christmas time,
That makes you wish it was Christmas every day.
To see the joy in the children's eyes,
The way that the old folks smile,
Says that Christmas will never go away.


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